Wednesday 17 July 2013

A Guy, A Girl, Wine and a Sea Breeze

So it has been about 7 months since my last post… Sis on you, The Wine Oak, sis on you! I honestly thought that Bouchard Finlayson, dubbed the muse in my last post, would have inspired the weekly blog updates, alas, things have been hectic.

That said, I now have better time management skills and a new muse, a pair of muses in fact, with the first being a body of water we know as the ocean and the second being an awesome blogger, who may have slightly threatened me should there be no post up by tomorrow morning J Well it seems my required kick in the ass was motivation enough as I am now dusting off the keyboard and typing this post. Thank you Jade ;)
Be sure to check out her interesting and fun blog: which covers topics from wine, travel, fashion, food, recipes, book and movie reviews and fun nights out, which all you ladies will definitely love. 
I am convinced that no matter what reason you may need inspiration for; a visit to the beach will solve that problem. It was whilst consuming a couple bottles of wine, with aforementioned gorgeous blogger, that the smell of the fresh sea breeze and the calming orchestra of the lapping waves did wonders and reminded me of my passion for the fermented grapes.

What’s this blog post about? Its about a concerted effort for more regular posts to my wine blog and about drinking wine on the beach!

It all started with a bottle of JC Le Roux Sparkling wine, as this is what Pili Pili, a funky beach bar in Sedgefield, had to offer in terms of bubbles. As you can see in the pics below, we consumed the bubbles in the sun. I must reiterate that for the non seasoned drinker, this is a big NO NO, as the combination of sunlight and bubbles will give you an instant personality in a bottle J
Although if this is what you are after, add a straw for a “next level experience…” (The Wine Oak promotes safe and responsible drinking) J

We proceeded to walk on the beach, then run, then do a few cart wheels and then finally settle down to enjoy a bottle of white and enjoy the sea view.
If you’re going to have some wine on a beach, I would recommend taking some steel goblets along as opposed to wine glasses – between the running and cart wheels, glass is bound to break.

So what wine is good to drink on a beach you ask? Well anything tastes good in the sun and at the sea, even “doos wyn” (“box wine” for you foreign folk). But life is too short to be drinking bad wine, so I would suggest a wine which compliments seafood, as you will be smelling and even tasting the similar fresh sea breeze. Something light and crisp, so most Sauvignon Blanc’s should go down a treat. If you’re unsure what to chose, opt for the old faithful table wine, Graça, which is well priced, easy drinking and awesome in hot weather. While the sun is still belting down, I would steer clear of red wine. Just a tip, use it, don’t use it…

The next day, back on the beach, we had a bottle of fruity Graça Rosé, also great with seafood and therefore suiting my theory of complimenting the similar fresh sea breeze. The rosé is off dry and slightly sweeter, so if you are planning on doing a couple of face plants into the sea shore or eating beach sand, the sweeter taste is comforting and neutralising towards the saltiness. The eating, drinking, laughing, singing and dancing wine held true to its word. I shall say no more J

“Let’s do that again!” 

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